6 Small Gifts Your Workers Will Love

If you’re wanting to have happier coworkers, it’s important to reward them. Statistics from a 2015 UGiftIdeas survey found that 58.79% of those surveyed felt that gift giving helps make relationships more meaningful. Considering that, it’s extremely important to have positive working relationships with your employees. Of course, you don’t want to drain the office budget in order to accomplish this goal. Fortunately, small gifts are great ways to reward your employees. However, you might be stumped regarding how to come up with ideas for little gifts. With that in mind, here are six great ways to reward your employees with small gifts.
- Desktop Zen Garden
Unfortunately, not every day in the office will be a good one. Things happen throughout life that can make anyone feel a little stressed out. If you’re in need of ideas for little gifts, consider giving employees their own personal zen garden. These gifts are great ways to give stressed employees the opportunity to relax. The act of arranging a small zen garden has been shown to reduce stress levels and increase feelings of happiness. - Bag of Candies
Many of your workers likely have a sweet tooth. Considering that, small candies are great gifts for your employees. That being said, this can be a little tricky. If you ask employees which candies they enjoy, they’re unlikely to be surprised with these gifts. Therefore, you might want to include a variety of candies. This helps to ensure each employee will be able to find a particular candy they enjoy. - USB Vacuum
Every office has people who are all about organization and cleanliness. Fortunately, there’s a great way to ensure that these individuals will continue to have clean cubicles. With that in mind, consider purchasing these employees USB vacuums. These small vacuums simply plug into a USB port. After plugging the device in, workers can keep their desks clean without having to lug around a heavy vacuum. This is also a great gift for your employees because it helps to ensure your office spaces remain clean. - Mini Margarita Glasses
Throughout the year, man workers get together to have office parties. Whether you’re all in the office or meeting at a bar, it’s important to be prepared. With that in mind, mini margarita glasses are fun gifts for your workers. If you don’t want alcohol in the office, these glasses are still fun gifts for employees to take home and enjoy. - Miniature Card Sets
Throughout many offices, there’s usually periods of downtime. It’s important that workers are able to effectively communicate during these times. Considering that, great ideas for little gifts are tiny card sets. These small gifts allow workers to spend a few minutes talking and rewarding themselves with a game of cards. - Small Painting Sets
Certain ideas for little gifts can be used as part of a contest. If you’re looking for a unique way to reward employees, consider purchasing small painting sets. You could have each employee compete in a painting contest. For instance, the winner of this contest could receive additional small prizes. Don’t worry about these paint sets creating a mess in your office. The small size of these sets helps ensure any cleanups are easy to take care of.
In conclusion, it’s understandable to have trouble finding ideas for little gifts. Statistics show that 25% of people throughout the United States wait until the last minute to buy gifts. If you’re looking for more small gifts and are pressed for time, you’ll want to consider shopping online. Many bosses find unique gifts online for their employees. In fact, statistics gathered from a 2017 survey found that 40% of internet users throughout the United States regularly purchased items online each month. Purchasing small gifts online ensures you won’t take time out of your busy day chasing down the perfect items. You’ll simply order your gifts and eagerly await being able to reward your employees.