Need Fun Company Event Ideas? Think About This

Several times a year many corporations will plan a special event for their workers. Whether a holiday celebration, Valentine’s Day party, or just a thank you to employees for their hard work and dedication, there are many different types of fun, inventive party planning ideas to choose from. Organizations that are looking for fun company event ideas for fundraisers, there are some very creative and fun party ideas that can be utilized.
One of the most unique fundraising ideas that organizations and corporations are taking advantage of is a casino night fundraiser. People often find a night at the casino to be an exciting event, and, the fact is, many poker players enjoy playing their favorite game at a casino. Statistics show that more than 10 million poker players spend time playing the game in a casino every year. As a matter of fact, more than 40 million people will regularly indulge in a game of poker.
Fun company event ideas can also include a group casino party, or a corporate theme party, using any type of fun theme, or even blending two or three different themes together. For instance, a corporate theme party could be centered around the casino, with a costume party theme. There are any number of creative corporate event ideas that will provide a fun and exciting evening for those who attend.
Having settled on the idea of a casino night fundraiser, companies can enlist the assistance of an event or fundraising event professional. This is a company or person whose job it is to help others plan their fundraising event. The first decision that needs to be made is how much money is expected to be raised by holding this party. Many host companies or organizations never think of this small detail when deciding to plan any kind of charity event. This is key to setting entrance fees and a financial goal for the night. The obvious objective is to bring in as much as possible for the cause, but to minimize expenses.
Revenues must be calculated. Revenues will be brought in by ticket sales, food and drink sales, auctions, table sponsorship, etc. Rather than put one person in charge of ticket sales, it is undoubtedly easier to delegate the job of selling tickets to several people instead of just one. For instance, it is easier to have ten people sell 20 tickets each than to have one person sell 200. If each person meets their allotment of tickets, the financial goal for the fundraiser will be easily met.
Table sponsorship is a smart way to cover the cost of the rental of the tables for the event. Each table can be sponsored by a different local business in exchange for allowing them to advertise by giving away casino party favors with their business logo on them. With 36.7 million people choosing to visit Las Vegas every year, it will not be difficult to stir up interest in a casino night fundraiser.
Decisions also have to be made about drink sales. Depending upon the price of the tickets, and, whether or not drinks are included in that price, will determine how much drinks will cost. Drinks can either be another source of revenue, or they can turn out to be an added expense if not managed well.
Food at the event should be dealt with in a similar fashion as drinks. Guests want to feel that they have put their money to good use in buying a ticket that will serve a good cause. However, if food is only available for purchase and the food offered is insufficient, or not of good quality, attendees might feel that they have not received their money’s worth. Again, this is an area that needs to be managed well; and, in advance.
There are any number of fun company event ideas, whether for the purpose of any company celebration, a holiday celebration, or a fundraiser, and planning a casino night party has become a top choice throughout the country. Hosting a casino night event fundraiser has become a favorite among fun company event ideas. It is unique, creative, and always a lot of fun!