Why Not Bring Vegas to You for Your Next Fundraiser?

Unique fundraising ideas can be difficult to come by, sometimes, especially if fundraising is something your organization has to do year in and year out. Fundraising events that are most effective are the ones that engage and interest the people you plan to invite. Keeping people engaged and happy leads to them opening their wallets just a little bit wider, and that is always a good thing.
If you are pretty good at party planning, then you already know what a successful event looks like. If the people start leaving about an hour into the event, you haven’t done your job properly. If the crowd is having a great time and stay around for several hours, you know you’ve got a hit on your hands.
One of the most effective ways to earn a significant amount of money for your organization is by planning a casino night fundraiser. The casino night is one of the most popular fundraising ideas around because so many people have either experienced gaming in a casino or have always wanted to try. They are also up for it because they know that any money they “lose” is going to go to the charity they have come out to support. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved.
Roughly 40 million people are already playing poker on a regular basis and 10 million of them have played in a casino sometime during the last year. Holding a large poker tournament can bring in a significant amount of money, depending on how many people you invite and how you set up the tournament.
Blackjack is another game that is a big hit when it comes to fundraising ideas because the game is very player friendly. It has what those familiar with gaming call a low edge. At .5% and even .4% in some cases, many players believe that blackjack is the most player friendly game in the casinos. If your guests are winning at the blackjack table, your fundraiser will be very successful in the long run.
Fundraising ideas are sometimes hard to come by. Concerts, dinners, and performances by the local middle school choir can only take you so far. Your community’s cars can only get so clean. Why not try out another type of fundraiser that will not only be effective at raising money but also fun for everyone at the same time?
At your next fundraising committee meeting, see how the group feels about having a casino night. There are many companies around that specialize in bringing a casino night to life. They bring the tables, the dealers, all the props, and accouterments to make the evening a huge success.
Imagine folks rolling up in the best dress, sipping cocktails, and spinning the roulette wheel, all the while knowing that you will be raising the most money you have ever raised. Doesn’t that sound like a great time?