Current News and Its Influences On Sports, Music, and Fundraising

The media can have both positive and negative influence on youth and the arts. When children are exposed to bad role models, they are more likely to glamorize drugs, alcohol, and illegal behaviors. However, when they are exposed to positive role models, they are more likely to achieve great things, such as completing education, caring for their family and friends, and achieving desired goals. There are many areas in a person?s life that current news can affect. Current news and the media directly affect the following areas of life.
Sport performance participation
Children and adults alike tend to want to participate in activities that are glamorized and popular among their friends. Sporting events like the NBA and NFL encourage many young teens to try out for the school football team. Sporting teams are also an important part of academic success in college level athletes. Current news surrounding sports tends to involve either around high payouts and record setters or illegal activities and mistakes that have been made. The latter tends to be a worse influence on young teens and is an important reason that the different sporting departments have high standards among its athletes.
Musical ability
Many singers and rappers have developed out of a strong following of another artist. Jay Z is one of the most popular rappers of our time. He has won numerous awards and even earned his 11th number 1 album on the Billboard 200 with The Blueprint 3. This allowed him to beat out Elvis, for the record of most number one albums by a solo artist. In addition to his musical abilities, Jay Z is known for his dedication to his wife and children. He is also a very motivated and dedicated artist, making him a great role model in the current news and black gossip sectors.
Although rap music has received controversial reviews, some rap artists such as Jay Z and Beyonce have contributed positively to the musical world. Positive celebrity musical role models provide children and teens with a source of music to listen to. When the messages are positive, they also encourage children to participate in other types of musical lessons. They might take up piano, guitar, or singing lessons as a result. These musical role models may even encourage them to better academically.
Fundraising efforts
Celebrity role models may also either positively or negatively affect fundraising efforts. When a well liked celebrity backs a charity, it tends to receive greater funds. On the other hand, when a celebrity is followed and the celebrity does not approve of the fundraising efforts, it could harm the charity. Celebrities have a lot of pull when it comes to raising funds for a specific charity, especially in younger adults. Celebrity induced support for causes tend to be higher among 18 to 36 year olds (27%) than older Americans. Only 10% of mature peoples (68 plus) claim to support a cause due to a celebrities actions.
Whether or not a person chooses to follow a celebrity in their fundraising efforts, celebrities provide additional coverage for the charity. They encourage people to donate more and to think of those in need. Current celebrity news is actually an important part in the funding of many large named charities. You have probably seen celebrities and their tendency to affect things like elections and awards shows.
Every day, celebrities are both positively and negatively affecting youth and young adults. Their actions directly influence things like musical participation, sporting groups, and fundraising efforts. Most viewers and fans get their information from gossip sites and current news columns. The combined revenue for the celebrity gossip industry tops more than $3 billion per year. What they do with this received information often depends on their likability of the celebrity and whether or not it is positive or negative news.