Art Magazines Are the Most Important Thing You Are Not Reading

If you stop and think about it, contemporary art magazines are pretty interesting things, in and of themselves.
I mean, the whole point of a magazine is to cover relevant topics and feature timely news stories. When you consider the role that art plays in our society, as a lens with which to view culture, as a commentary on our state of affairs, as a means to give form to the ethos of a culture, the task seems huge.
A contemporary art magazine critiques the critics. It defines genres and can define who is important and who is unimportant in the art world. These magazines are what really have the strongest means of commenting on society, since they get to pick what artists have the spotlight.
Pick up a contemporary arts magazine next time you find yourself at a newsstand. Art magazines play an interesting role in our society, which is often over looked and under emphasized.
Do you agree or disagree about art magazines? Do you read them yourself? What are some of your favorite art magazines that you like to read? Please comment and share.