Why You Should Mount Your Art

Whether you are a painter, sketcher, or photographer, it is important to learn about how to present and protect your art. The ability to preserve it and display it in a visually please manner at the same is a great skill to have. This is especially true if you sell prints of your art and want to make it look good for customers.
One of the best things you can do for your art is to mount it. It’s a relatively easy process, but it does take some patience due to having to measure and make sure your photo is aligned properly on the mat backing. Safe mounting with a material like white cardstock has numerous functional and visual benefits that help to keep your art safe and make it look better.
Protect From Acidity
Mounting photographs and art is a good way to protect them from the elements. It adds a backing that will keep out acidity that can seep in from walls where you art hangs. This acidity can cause discoloration and damage to your art, so you want to take whatever measures you can to avoid it.
Add Stability
Another perk of mounting photographs and other art is that it adds stability to the paper. It keeps it from bending, crinkling, and ripping. Giving your work a solid base to sit on is a wonderful way to maintain its beauty over the years.
Set Up for Matting
Another purpose of mounting is to prepare your art for matting. It gives the mat board something to attach to and sit on top of without damaging your work. Matting is a wonderful way to improve the look of your art and draw eyes towards it, so it is definitely an additional step you should consider one the mounting process is complete.
Getting Help with Mounting
It is possible to mount art by yourself, but if you’re not confident in your ability to do it properly you can get assistance. Art stores and print shops are often skilled in this process and can do it for you. However, you can also learn to do it on your own by watching how-to videos and practicing.