Four Things To Think About When Picking Out Art Magazines

Contemporary art means different things to different people. Of course, there is a clear cut definition of the term, but having a look at this art and reading about it appeal to different kinds of people. If you struggle with knowing which types of art magazines will most appeal to you, contemporary or otherwise, read on for some tips on picking out the art magazines that should be taking up space on your coffee table.
First, pick art magazines that have an aesthetic that immediately appeals to your tastes and your senses. There are thousands of art magazines out there today, and only you know what you will like best. Visit a local bookstore or your public library to browse these magazines, and then subscribe to the publications that jump out at you as having the most relevant content and the nicest looks.
Second, pick art magazines that also use published authors and writers who know art very well. Not every art magazine will use the right kinds of writers to describe the world of art, and you as a reader need to dig in and find out who the best writers are for this subject. Some may actually be artists themselves. But the larger picture here is that published writers who are very good at driving home their points are most advised here. So when you do pay a visit to that coffee shop or bookstore, be sure to read a few articles in a contemporary art magazine to see if the writing appeals to you.
Third, pick art magazines that have subject matter that you like as well. Writers and their works are quite different from the actual subject matter, with the former having more to do with style and accuracy and the latter having a closer relation to the actual articles and their topics. Are you more interested in the various styles of art, or would you rather read about the artist communities that exist across the country and the various artists who populate them? Know what subject matter you like most, then start your subscription to a contemporary arts magazine or two that fit best within your topics of interest.
Fourth, pick art magazines that have won awards. Obscure publications are obscure for a reason, whereas award winning ones have earned awards due to their quality and their coverage. Go with publications that have earned their spots in the contemporary art world.